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April 23, 2010

Walsh hotel moves forward

A $12 million hotel proposed by Tom Walsh was narrowly approved by the Bar Harbor Board of Appeals Thursday night more than a month after the town's planning board rejected the proposal.

The appeals board voted 3-2 in favor of the project, finding the planning board erred when it denied the application for the West Street hotel in March, according to the Mount Desert Islander. The appeals board also unanimously voted to send the matter back to the planning board along with instructions to grant approval. The planning board is scheduled to take up the hotel project on May 5, according to the newspaper.

The planning board last month rejected the project after a year of review because it did not meet the land-use ordinance requirements, specifically that four-story buildings must include an amount of year-round residences equal to the size of the fourth floor.

Walsh, founder of the Portsmouth, N.H.-based Ocean Properties, will also face opposition from competing hotelier David Witham, owner of the Bar Harbor Inn and other properties in town, who filed an appeal last week regarding Walsh's proposed hotel, according to the paper. The appeals board will take up Witham's appeal on May 11.

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