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September 29, 2022 / 2022 NextUp: 40 Under 40 Honorees

40 Under 40: A financial planner with community service on the side

Photo / Tim Greenway Nate Moody, Lebel & Harriman
Nate Moody, 28

Retirement plan advisor, director of business development and marketing, Lebel & Harriman Retirement Advisors Find all 40 Under 40 honoree profiles here
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Significant professional accomplishment: Fighting back against Maine’s growing retirement savings and student debt crises by helping companies help their coworkers. As a society, we’ve failed at teaching our kids basic financial literacy and we have a responsibility to give people the education, tools, and resources they need look out for their future selves.

Passion project: Financial literacy (shoutout to Junior Achievement and FAME), helping Maine’s kids (shoutout to Make-A-Wish Maine & Maine Blue Collar Scholarship Foundation), and addressing the health care crisis (shoutout to Healthcare Purchaser Alliance of Maine). Apparently, my passion projects are just solving problems that shouldn’t even be problems if there was a little more common sense and compassion in the world.

Audacious goal: Showing that Maine isn’t just “Vacationland,” it’s also the Land of Opportunity, especially for young people. “Opportunityland” has a nice ring to it...

Favorite quote: “The way we do anything is the way we do everything.” — Martha Beck

Influential book: “Conscious Capitalism: Liberating the Heroic Spirit of Business”

Favorite movie: “Cool Hand Luke”

How do you recharge: Heading upta camp in Rockwood.

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