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Poll results

Return, regift or recycle?

It's a big question this week, as Americans sift through holiday gifts — including hideous sweaters, toys that are already broken and coffee mugs emblazoned with silly sayings.

Consumers buy and receive a lot of products that don't measure up to expectations, especially at this time of year. Americans returned merchandise worth $743 billion in 2023, or 14.5% of sale proceeds, according to a new study by the National Retail Federation and analytics company Appriss Retail.

But sometimes we find another recipient for an unwanted gift. Then there are those objects beyond any possible salvaging, which end up in a trash can or hopefully a recycling bin.

And an untold number simply collect dust along with other past presents, waiting for some eventual use — or until they escape limbo during the next holiday season.

What are you doing with holiday gifts you can't use or don't want?
I'm returning unwanted gifts (20%, 26 VOTES)
I'm giving them to others (47%, 61 VOTES)
I'm discarding gifts I can't use (6%, 8 VOTES)
All of the above (27%, 36 VOTES)
Poll Description

Return, regift or recycle?

It's a big question this week, as Americans sift through holiday gifts — including hideous sweaters, toys that are already broken and coffee mugs emblazoned with silly sayings.

Consumers buy and receive a lot of products that don't measure up to expectations, especially at this time of year. Americans returned merchandise worth $743 billion in 2023, or 14.5% of sale proceeds, according to a new study by the National Retail Federation and analytics company Appriss Retail.

But sometimes we find another recipient for an unwanted gift. Then there are those objects beyond any possible salvaging, which end up in a trash can or hopefully a recycling bin.

And an untold number simply collect dust along with other past presents, waiting for some eventual use — or until they escape limbo during the next holiday season.

  • 131 Votes

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