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August 9, 2019

Nominate a business dynamo to the Next list

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Which Maine business trailblazers should be recognized on Mainebiz's Next list this year? 

We're looking for 10 dynamic individuals making an impact on Maine's economy and in their industries.

Submit your nomination by Aug. 24 from the private and nonprofit sectors and tell us who deserves to be honored this year. Nominees must meet the following criteria: 

  • Be a business owner, CEO, founder, executive director, entrepreneur or business leader;
  • Demonstrate forward thinking and an innovative approach to his or her work;
  • Be a positive motivator and influencer of change; and
  • Demonstrate an innovative approach to problem-solving while encountering obstacles or barriers.

The nomination period runs through Aug. 24. Submit a nomination form here.

Honorees will be notified about two weeks after the nomination period closes and profiled in the Sept. 30 issue of Mainebiz. They will also be honored at an evening reception at Aura in Portland on Nov. 14. 

Registrations are already open, and a portion of the proceeds will go to the Mainebiz Next Alumni Fund.

Read about the 2018 honorees here and check for updates on Twitter at #MBNEXT19.


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