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  • What the Affordable Care Act ruling means to Maine business

    James McCarthy

    Rick Dacri, owner of a Kennebunkport-based consulting firm that advises businesses on work force issues, says his client list ranges from Fortune 500 companies to nonprofits employing fewer than 10 people.

  • The new chairman of the Maine Bankers Association checks in

    Derek Rice

    The global financial crisis of 2008 brought many changes in the banking industry, particularly in the area of mortgages.

  • Property managers are a smart investment

    Justin Lamontagne

    I will never forget the day a rather colorful professor of mine at Boston University wrote on the blackboard, “K.I.S.S.” It was in response to a question on how to write a paper on a particularly complicated economics topic. K.I.S.S.

  • Federal fallout

    Mal Leary

    LePage: ACA implementation on hold Awaiting answers from Washington Medicaid remains a concern Gov.

  • Hospitals look beyond ACA ruling

    James McCarthy

    Maine Hospital Association President Steven Michaud says that although the ACA presents challenges to hospitals and other health care providers, it also offers opportunities and momentum for initiatives already under way to reform care.

  • Focus on Real Estate/Construction/Design
    Focus on Real Estate/Construction/Design

    A Belfast manufacturer rehabs a former BNAS building to test high-efficiency technology

    Matt Dodge

    When the U.S.

  • Opinion

    Insulating factors

    Carol Coultas

    My dad visited recently and, given his proclivity toward puttering, volunteered to replace our wall phone in the kitchen.

  • Opinion

    Renewed activity, especially in the Portland market, bodes well for Maine development

    Drew Sigfridson Principal, Cbre|the Boulos Co., And President Of Maine Real Estate And Development Association

    As the new president of the Maine Real Estate and Development Association, I have become more keenly aware of the challenges and difficulties in developing commercial and residential projects in Maine.

Today's Poll

What's your reaction to Maine's newly approved rate increases for health insurance?
Poll Description

Maine health insurance rates are scheduled to rise significantly on Jan. 1, 2025, but state officials say the increases are modest compared to what they could have been.

The Bureau of Insurance recently approved rate increases averaging 8.6% for individual insurance and 9.4% for coverage of small groups — such as employers with 50 or fewer workers.

Insurers had initially proposed boosting their prices in both markets by averages of more than 14%. The bureau said it worked with the insurance companies and leveraged federal funds to reduce the hikes before OK'ing them.

In 2023, health insurance rate increases of 14.6% in both the individual and small-group markets were approved and took effect this year.