The Mainebiz Business Leaders of the Year Awards
Join us on April 5 as we celebrate and recognize the 2023 Mainebiz Business Leaders of the Year!
The Mainebiz Business Leaders of The Year Awards recognizes Maine leaders for outstanding performance and contributions by business leaders who set the standard of doing business in Maine. This year, Mainebiz will be awarding nine leaders under new categories!
Meet and celebrate this year's honorees at a special reception and awards presentation. Attendees will enjoy two cash bars and appetizers all while networking with Maine's business community.
To Read More About ALL of This Year's Honorees Follow The Link Below READ HERE
Lifetime Achievement Award
Dana Connors
Retired president and CEO of the Maine State Chamber of Commerce
Entrepreneur of the Year Award
Margo Walsh
Founder MaineWorks
New Mainer Leader of the Year Award
Amina Hassan
Founder and executive director of Her Safety Net
Nonprofit Leader of the Year Award
Travis Mills
Founder of Travis Mills Foundation
Innovator of the Year Award
Habib Dagher
Executive director of the UMaine Advanced Structures and Composites Center
Industry Leader of the Year Award (High Education Category)
Leigh Saufley
Dean of Maine Law
Industry Leader of the Year Award (Hospitality Category)
Tim Harrington
Chairman, Atlantic Hospitality Partner, Kennebunkport Resort Collection, and Partner of Batson River Brewing and Distilling
Industry leader of the Year Award (Real Estate Development Category)
Tom Watson
Founder/Chairman of Port Property
CEO of the Year Award
Drew Lyman
President of Lyman-Morse Boatbuilding Inc.