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Poll results

Sponsored by: GoNetspeed, a fiber internet provider

For many businesses, August is a time to take a day off and treat employees to some outdoor fun or adventure.

When you're a business in Vacationland, a summer outing can be an especially rewarding perk.

Does your business host a summer outing for employees?
Yes, we get outside each summer and have fun (44%, 69 VOTES)
Sometimes we have an outing, depending on schedules (18%, 29 VOTES)
Not usually, summer is just too busy for us to take time off (17%, 27 VOTES)
No, we reward employees with other types of activities (20%, 32 VOTES)
Poll Description

Sponsored by: GoNetspeed, a fiber internet provider

For many businesses, August is a time to take a day off and treat employees to some outdoor fun or adventure.

When you're a business in Vacationland, a summer outing can be an especially rewarding perk.

  • 157 Votes

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  • August 8, 2023

    Not any more. They already get enough paid time off. Fewer employees at higher rates?