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Sponsored by: Live+Work in Maine
May 21, 2020 2020 Work for ME

Live+Work in Maine

Live and Work in Maine is a private-sector initiative designed to increase awareness about the great career opportunities that exist in Maine, and promote the world-class quality of life Mainers enjoy. Our mission is to show the world that in Maine, you can have it all when it comes to quality of life AND quality of career.

The data has been clear: Maine is facing a demographic challenge – our population is getting older, and we need a strong workforce to ensure employers continue to thrive into the future.

Our initiative is the answer to those challenges, to ensure the private sector, government, community organizations and proud Maine citizens are working together in the most efficient, effective manner possible towards our shared goal.

While we’re focused on attracting new people to Maine, we also work to highlight the many success stories of people who have already made the decision to live and work in Maine. Some have called it our “best kept secret” that so many talented people and companies relocate to Maine for our quality of life...we’re trying to make it the worst kept secret!