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May 16, 2013

ImmuCell sales up, led by bovine immunity booster

Portland-based ImmuCell Corp. announced its first quarter sales increased 8% compared with last year, showing continuing growth through difficult times for its primary customers, dairy and beef farmers.

In an earnings statement released this week, the company reported sales were up to $1.85 million in the first quarter of 2013, compared with $1.7 million for the same period in 2012.

The company also boosted net operating income to $327,000 from $281,000 over the same period. The net income boost was attributed to a larger gross margin from sales of its immunity treatment for calves, First Defense.

The company also reported a 5% increase in sales over the full year ending March 31.

It continues to complete development and commercialization of another product to treat bovine mammary infections, Mast Out, which had initial tests in 2009.

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