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April 2, 2010

Report outlines savings from efficient buildings

Families in Maine could save more than $2,000 a year on their energy bills in coming decades if government invests in making the state's buildings more energy efficient, according to a new report.

The report by Environment Maine, called "Building Better: How High-Efficiency Buildings Will Save Money and Reduce Global Warming," says better construction, insulation and heating and cooling systems would cut Maine's projected energy use 34% by 2030, enough energy to power 1.3 million homes, according to a press release. In 20 years, improvements in energy efficiency could save the average family of four in Maine nearly $2,200 a year, or 32%, the report found. The country's buildings account for more than 40% of total energy consumption.

The study calls for improving building codes, investing in energy retrofits and weatherization for existing buildings, and supporting innovative financing to encourage public and private investment in building efficiency.

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