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March 15, 2013

Maine population continues to stagnate

Maine's population remains stagnant, according to the latest estimates from the U.S. Census Bureau.

Maine gained just 648 residents from July 2011 to July 2012. That increase is due entirely to international migration estimates for the state as domestic migration showed a net loss of 261 people while the net population loss from natural causes totaled 103.

An estimated 1,120 people — native and foreign-born — entered the state from abroad during that time period.

Charles Colgan, professor of public policy and management at the Muskie School of Public Service, told the Bangor Daily News that, considering the margin of error for the latest figures, Maine's population total basically remains flat, which has some concerned about the state's long-term economic future.

Maine Heritage Policy Center CEO and economist J. Scott Moody called the latest figures a continuation of Maine's "demographic winter" in a blog post Thursday and state economist Amanda Rector told the Portland Press Herald that population decreases pose an economic challenge for the state.

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