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December 11, 2013

Portland delays action on $150M Bayside project

The City of Portland’s Planning Board on Tuesday delayed a decision on the first phase of a $150 million multi-use development in the city’s Bayside neighborhood after 50 people spoke both in favor and against the project.

The Bangor Daily News reported critics of the plan argued the project is out of scale with the rest of the city while supporters said the project has the potential to revitalize that section of Portland.

Developers from The Federated Cos. were before the planning board Tuesday to seek approval for the first phase of the project, which would include a 165-foot tall, 235-unit apartment building with first-floor commercial space and a nearby parking garage with 700 spots.

The board had been expected to cast a final decision on the first phase of the project Tuesday. After the decision to table the matter, the board will next take up consideration of the project during a Jan. 14, 2014 meeting.

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