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July 11, 2008

Water district turns down Poland Sping

The Kennebunk, Kennebunkport and Wells Water District said yesterday that it will not sell groundwater to Poland Spring, at least for the moment.

Norm Labbe, the water district superintendent, told the Portland Press Herald he is asking the district's board of trustees to indefinitely table the deal because of the outrage voiced by locals, 100 of whom demonstrated at a recent trustee meeting.

Poland Spring, which is owned by Nestle Waters North America, had worked out a proposed deal with the water district to pay a per-gallon rate expected to start at a total of $250,000 per year. That figure was expected to rise to as much as $750,000. The deal would have allowed the water bottler to draw as much as 250,000 gallons a day from an aquifer beneath district-owned land in Wells.


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